Responsible for the syndication and execution of DCM products, with a lead mandate on (i) publicly traded and pre-placed ABS transactions, whilst supporting the issuance of (ii)...
Organisation und Abwicklung von Personalveränderungen sowie Gehaltsabrechnungen und Verwaltung der Personalakten; Mitarbeiteranträge (u.a. Urlaub, Fortbildung etc.) und...
Manage the local marketing team structure and optimize ways of working to ensure efficient execution of marketing initiatives. Develop and refine the local marketing strategy,...
You will be fully responsible for the Accounting & Tax operations of the client’s file from inception to completion, meaning as of the incorporation until the filing of the...
Provide performance, competition and market analysis and present to Brussels Airlines’ commercial departments and senior management; Coordinate commercial actions and projects...
Your responsibilities include designing and implementing comprehensive rewards and vitality programs aligned with the ING's vision and values; Navigating the regulatory landscape...
You would be responsible for designing, developing, maintaining and integrating complex application systems and developing pipelines to answer requirements and demands of the...
You are responsible for developing and executing global category strategy, managing supplier relationships, and driving procurement performance aligned with business goals...
You take the leading role in functional analysis of projects and enhancements. You make project estimates and identify impact on IT infrastructure. You are responsible for the...
This professional will co-manage the 2.1 billion euros Candriam Global Demography fund and will be involved in the management of several global thematic funds we manage for...
Plan, design, and integrate ICT system components, including hardware, software, and services; Specify and implement architectures for complex ICT solutions; Review and enhance...
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