Find Information Technology (IT or ICT) jobs in Brussels and Belgium. We have jobs as Software Developer, Website Development, or IT Project Manager.
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You would be responsible for designing, developing, maintaining and integrating complex application systems and developing pipelines to answer requirements and demands of the...
Plan, direct, coordinate, and manage the processes of writing and developing the software programs. Ensure appropriate procedures and processes are followed when it comes to...
You take the leading role in functional analysis of projects and enhancements. You make project estimates and identify impact on IT infrastructure. You are responsible for the...
Plan, design, and integrate ICT system components, including hardware, software, and services; Specify and implement architectures for complex ICT solutions; Review and enhance...
EuroTechJobs is the job board for software development and tech jobs all over Europe for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies. Jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, UK and more European countries. Find jobs as a C++, Java, PHP or Python developer, using Oracle, Linux, Unix, telecoms, or as business analyst, engineer, project manager, sys admin, or test analyst.