If you’ve been overwhelmed by applications for a job vacancy then the candidate rejection email can seem like a time-consuming and negative process. After all, who wants to be the bearer of bad news? However, the benefits of offering closure to these hopeful applicants outweigh the negatives.


Benefits of sending a candidate rejection email

  • The time and effort that the candidate spends on their CV on each application should warrant a response. The applicant may not like to hear they haven’t been selected but at least they know and can move on in their job search.
  • If the email leaves a positive impression then the candidate will not harbour any ill-will towards the company and will be open to applying for further jobs in the future.
  • If the email response is prompt and handled in a sensitive manner then your company maintains a professional image.

The purpose of a candidate rejection email

For the employer it can seem like a waste of time and resources to connect with applicants that you won’t see at the interview stage. However, by being upfront about your intentions you release them of their expectations and maintain your professional image. Applying for a job can be a stressful process and candidates remember how they are made to feel by the company. Recognition of applicant’s time and encouragement in their continued job search can help maintain mutual respect when faced with bad news. The rejection letter is your last chance to build a relationship with the candidate and it should, hopefully, encourage a long-term positive response when they think of the company.

For the candidate, a rejection email is a necessary part of the recruitment process if they are unsuccessful. Sure, the email can be hard to receive, especially if the candidate had found the job of their dreams, but then there’s closure, acceptance and an opportunity for the applicant to move on. Ultimately, the email should give finality on that particular application.

Need help? Use our Applicant Tracker

Keeping track of applicants and contact details can take time which is why we have developed our Applicant Tracker. See how many people have applied for your job vacancy, view their CVs and organise them according to their job suitability. Add comments to individual candidates that only the other hiring managers can read. Once you’ve selected the suitable candidates, you can download the email addresses of the rejected candidates. Our Applicant Tracker provides an easy solution to a difficult but essential part of the recruitment process.

Handy tip: Don’t forget to use a different email account to send the rejection emails so it doesn’t fill your day-to-day inbox with responses.


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